Captain Marvel and Captain America First Avengers Movie Reviews

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson
Captain America First Avenger: so the plot of this movie is well this film takes place like I think around near world war II… also the villains in this film are like the marvel version if Nazis…..there called Hydra……and the guy in charge is named Red Skull…..because his face is a skull that’s crimson red…..and he’s played by Hugo Weaving……u may know him from his roles in lord of the rings and the hobbit and lastly the matrix trilogy……so anyways if ur wondering what Hydras symbol is….its of a skull sith tentacles….ok so back to story… skull is looking for something called the Tesseract…..keep that item in mind because we find out movies later that the Tesseract is one of the 6 infinity stones….BTW ill describe what those are later….ok so he’s after tesseract….then um Steve Roger’s…(played by Chris Evans)..who is scrony….gets injected with super solder serum…and now he’s tall and stronge….oh and the scientist guy who did this procedure on cap…..he is played by Stanley Tucci……he’s been in a few movies….one example being the hunger games…..ok sorry getting of track….so anyways Steve’s friend Bucky Barnes (played by Sebastian Stan) gets sent off to war…..later Steve….gets hired by Mr Howard Stark….aka Tony Starks father….oh Peggy Carter…..and a general dude (played by Tommy Lee Jones)..oh BTW Peggy Carter becomes love interest later for cap… in middle of this film…cap gets his armor and his shield which is made of a rare metal called proto-adamantium…its a very strong metal….bullet can’t destroy it or swords or knives can’t nor can fire….oh and he can toss his shield and it comes back to him like a boomerang……also him and his group find his missing friend who’s been captured by Hydra……long story short….a bit after that…..Bucky dies….they try high-jacking a Hydra train and Bucky falls off the train which is right over snowy mountains….so now cap thinks his friend is dead…..that was sad….oh and of course they capture a Hydra scientist named Arnim Zola…..played by Toby Jones……so they ask him for information and he tells them that Red Skull is planning on bombing different countries….using a giant plane that has bombs……so in three third act…captain America boards Red Skull ship and they fight….then Red Skull picks up the Tesseract because it falls onto the ground…and it starts evaporating him …so now he’s dead.. .(or is he?..😏)….and the Tesseract falls out of the ship and lands somewhere….cap crashes the plane into the frozen ocean…and he gets frozen alive…and is frozen for many decades and when he wakes up its modern day and nick Fury (played by Samuel Jackson) Greets him and tells him that cap been asleep for decade’s…and the film…ends with cap saying its just I had a date to be at decades ago……..awww….so anyways this was a good start in the mcu…..BTW I’m reviewing these movies by correct order in the timeline….not when they came out in theaters….I recommend watching this …especially the mcu….ill give this film a solid 9/10
Captain Marvel: so im gonna start off with saying this is one of my least favorite MCU movies…..well its not the worst….its just very mediocre….so the plot is captain marvel is part of a space group called the Kree…..and to clarify some of the Kree are blue skinned aliens and some of them are human looking….one of them is played by Jude Law… anyways, captain marvel accidentally falls down to earth….and well since she’s not human (or is she)…she has no idea about anything on earth….and of course……Shield gets send out to explore this alien crash….well to be pacific……Nick Fury and agent Colson…..Fury in this movie is a bit younger and doesn’t have an eyepatch…..oh forget to mention captain Marvel is on earth to find the Scrulls….there a group of greene pointy eared aliens….and they can shape shift into anyone or anything… they can hide on earth… anyways we do see back on planet Kree….and stuff happens….I forget….what I remember is that Ronan the accuser appears in this film….he’s the main villain in guardians of the galaxy…….and he’s a Kree…who latter on in the time-line gets outcasted because he disagree with his kind signing a piece treaty with Nova Court… back to the story… anyways captain marvel gets caught by Nick Fury and they both team up…to find the Scrulls……oh and during there trip….they bump into a cat…turns out its an alien species that look like cats…..lovely… anyways Nick brings along the cat with them….so anyways they find the Scrulls….mee find out there not the bad guys…turns out the Kree are…..dun dun dunnnnn…..oh and captain marvel isn’t a Kree……we find out she is human and she use to be a military pilot…and one day find an alien ship and got to close to it and it exploded and some Kree….blood, or was it power?…I forget….gets fused with her… that’s why she’s so powerful….so anyways they team up together with Nick Fury and Captain Marvel…to go fight the Kree…..also the Scrulls go save there families that the Kree have kidnapped… anyways we find out how Nick Fury lost an eye….the cat scratched it… this is a bit of a retcon….because in winter solder….he said “last time I trusted somebody,  I lost an eye”…….so um …take that as u will…..but I feel iffy on this… anyways captain marvel fights Jude Laws character…..and no she does not kill him…..she sends him back to his planet to send a message…..and thats it thats basically how the film ends…..hurray?….also I should have told u all the mcu movies have end credits scenes….I won’t be mentioning this end credits scene because it ties in for a way later film……so ill mention it then…..but as for now I should say this…..u guys have an option….u can watch this in the correct timeline order or watch them in order of when they released…..either that or u can’t watch the end credits for captain marvel till u get to avengers infinity war… id prefer watch them in timeline order but if u don’t want to skip an end credits and go back and watch the end credits later then probably watch all the films in order of release….so anyways I’m gonna give this film a solid 7.3/10

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