Opportunity | Leadership | Friendship

Exclusion is disabling not the disability itself.”

—Tiffany Yu , founder of Diversability

Our mission, at Friendship Circle of Pittsburgh, of community inclusion, is rooted in two simple truths. 

Every human needs genuine social connections and pathways to share of themselves in meaningful roles/activities.

Disability is a social value judgment regarding who will be excluded based on preconceptions and stereotypes about the worth of others.

Communities have throughout history always made arbitrary judgments about the worth of others and these are self-perpetuating due to lack of contact.  Community inclusion requires deliberate and sustained efforts to break this vicious cycle.

This website space is devoted to Community Inclusion. Visitors to the page will find news about FC Pittsburgh activities as well as sources of inspiration and resources that will help us build more inclusive communities. 

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You Get What You Get…

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This Shabbat is a special one for a number of reasons. First, we read a special song that the Jewish people sang when they crossed the Sea of Reeds as part of this week’s Parsha, Beshalach. But there is additional significance in that this Shabbat commemorates the yahrtzeit of the previous Chabad Rebbe,… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: February 7, 2025

Sunday Funday We want to extend a warm thank you to all our friends who came to our last Sunday Funday at Friendship Circle and an extra special thank you to The Wild World of Animals for an enriching and unique experience. It was an incredible event, and it wouldn’t have been the same without your participation and enthusiasm. We are… Read More

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Stand Up!

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY So this week’s parsha is Bo and the Jewish people are in a pickle. (Sound familiar?) Slavery is unbearable and so are the plagues that God keep making  worse for the Egyptians. These are tense times indeed. And so, when finally the tenth plague arrives and the Egyptians are completely fed up, Moses… Read More

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