Friendship & Leadership

Through unique learning opportunities, we create and foster a warm and natural environment for growing friendships!

  • Kids Who Care Workshops
    You’re never too young to give back to your community! Helping others is always worthwhile — especially during the formative years of middle school! This program’s unique and fun activities benefit everyone. For members in 6th & 7th grade.
  • Training Tracks
    Looking to further your knowledge and wisdom through FC? Training Tracks courses focus on learning and sharing with others. Teens will walk away with the skills to lead in communities of all abilities! Workshops include the following topics: “The History of the Disability Rights Movement,” “Understanding Human Diversity,” and “Advocacy.” For Teen Scene (8-12th graders) & FOTT (ages 18+).
  • Teen Workshops
    These workshops focus on topics that align directly with FC’s mission! Join all of Teen Scene to experience and learn about your role as a Teen Scene member of The Friendship Circle! For Teen Scene (8th-12th graders).

Learning about Friendship and Leadership
Joining a Host Committee Be a part of the planning process! Members in Teen Scene (8th-12th graders) and FOTT (ages 18+) are encouraged to join a Host Committee for a FC club or program in which they will participate in the planning, executing and review of that event. Email [email protected] for host committee opportunities.


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Recent blog posts

Weekly Roundup: October 23, 2024

Sukkot Party The Friendship Circle building was filled with laughter, dancing, and yummy food for all of us enjoying the holiday! Band Together came and provided some sweet tunes for us to listen to, and we also had Weird Eric and O’Ryan put on a comedy game show which was very fun and interactive. Sholom G. made sure to get the… Read More

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Get Happy

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY In what can arguably be described as the quickest, most emotionally pinballing four days on the Jewish calendar (I’ve spoken about the five days between Tisha B’av and Tu B’av – the saddest and then a most joyful day during the summer, but that fifth day gives us an extra day of transition),… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: October 16, 2024

I-Volunteer Friends on the Town (FOTT) members gathered on October 10 for an evening of volunteering with Weinberg Terrace’s residents. FOTT members and Weinberg Terrace residents enjoyed many rounds of bingo together. FOTT members also created fall-themed suncatchers to be hung on Weinberg Terrace’s sukkah. It was a great evening of community connection in preparation for the upcoming Sukkot holiday. FOTT… Read More

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