Fan Fiction Blog Review: May 2020-March 2021

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

Hey all, it’s been almost a year since this blog became active,

So let’s take a look back before I write the next attraction.

First we had to learn what fanfiction is,

As well as some basic terms in the biz.

So I wrote a basic summary, and added some dos and don’ts

I hope the readers were smart, and made sure to take plenty of notes

Then, I offered some suggestions–a few fics I like to read.

I can recommend some others, if they’re not your cup of tea.

Next came a lexicon of common terms you may hear,

Because how can you use them if their meanings aren’t clear?

I did the same for genres, and then at a later date

Wrote a second part for each, so as to elaborate.

But Gila wasn’t sure that those would be enough,

So I gave some examples using my own stuff.

Gila learned a staff member–Elana by name

Was an active player in the fanfiction game

I sent her some questions for an interview,

And she followed up, so I did a Part Two.

To finish this off, here’s a little sneak peek:

You’ll hear from a fanfiction author next week.

I’ll be writing up that interview soon,

So as always, until next time, stay tuned!

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