Part 1: History of Fan Fiction Outline

Categories: Friendship Circle, History of Fan Fiction, Sarah Lehman

Believe it or not, fan fiction has had a surprising amount of influence on the wider world. These next few posts will delve into said influence, and also into its history, which is longer than you might think, covering topics like:

-Early examples: What are the earliest known fan fics? How did they affect later fic writers? For one, you’ll learn which one helped coin the term Mary Sue.

-Sites: What are the best sites to look at if you’re searching for good fan fiction to read? I’ll tell you about a few popular sites, including some tidbits about their history.

-Integration into popular culture: Just how much has fan fiction influenced everyday life, media or otherwise? There are a considerable number of authors (like JK Rowling) who are familiar with the concept of fan fiction, which leads to my next point.

-Involvement of creators: How do the people involved with a fandom’s canon (authors, actors, etc.) feel about fan fiction? Bet you didn’t know there’s a Wikipedia article about Stucky (the pairing of Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes).

Of course, these are by no means the only examples I will elaborate on. After all, I don’t want to give too much away. Hopefully, you’ll find what I reveal to be pleasantly surprising.

Until next time, stay tuned!

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