Movie Review – Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 and Part 2

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1: so anyways the plot is…..well I’m gonna be honest….I have mainly forgotten this film….I mainly only remember 4 moments in this film…….but thats it…..I for the life of me remember this film…’s what I remember

• i remember that Flinnick gets married….or was that in part 2…..I forget….both these films merge together in my opinion…..
• i clearly remember that the leader of the rebellion….named President Alma…..wants to take over president Snows job…….understandable because he’s evil…and the capital still needs a president….
• and for majority of this film…..they have Katniss go around in cities and pretend to save the cities,  to get her popularity……yeah thats right the rebellion is recording her for popularity……idk why…..anyways we gwt introduced to 2 new characters…..Cressida (played by Natalie Dormor)…..and a Deaf guy named Pollux……oh BTW heres my favorite moment from this film
• oh and by the end of this film they bring back Peeta….but its to late…the capital brainwashed him and has given him a mission to kill Katniss….uh oh…thats how this film ends…..basically this film exists just to set up part 2….thats all this film accomplished…….its just here to set up the finale battle… I found this film pointless….im gonna give this film a solid 4.8/10

Hunger Games Mockingjay part 2: so here we are…….we finally made it to the last installment in the hunger games series…..hers the trailer to it

So anyways let’s get onto what I remember of this film….spoiler alert,  I remember alot more of this film than I did with part 1……so anyways without further of due…I want to present to u….

Uhhhh…right, sorry about that I get u all are wanting me to get to the review badly…..u impatient weirdos……without further of due…lets get onto the plot… anyways I’m gonna tell the plot…from what major events I remember….

• yes I remember Flinnick does get married in this film…..heck there was a wedding scene and a celebration…..BTW this all happen inside the rebellions secret bunker place……this scene becomes sad later….but ill get to that later….or now…actually ill get to that now… a bit later on in the film, our main characters…Peeta…whos still recovering….also still has times where his brainwashed mind tries killing Katniss…..yikes….yeah sounds like the perfect guy to take on a mission…..BTW…they never find a cure for him….so basically the rest of his life he goes with his life of having moments where he can or will go aggressive and try to kill Katniss….that my friends is what we call abusive relationship……but in this context its accidental abusive relationship…..anyways where was i….oh right…later on when Katniss and Peeta and Flinnick gets attacked by creatures that snow sends to them…..well Katniss and Peeta escape, but Flinnick gets killed…..oh noo…..he got married….I think it was obvious his death was coming……

• also in this film Snow decides to poison his drink and the board orders drinks…..they all die right away…but Snow dies slowly in this film…..I don’t know how….I guess its plot convenient…..ill get to more of him later…

• right now onto the depressing part….st one moment we see war doctors come out of flying vehicles…to heal injured people at the capital….well the ones who turned onto the evil corporation……and one of the doctors is Primm……and yes Katniss sees Primm and was about to go up to her but a bomb comes out of nowhere, blows up all the doctors including Primm….thats right Primm is now dead….😢….yeah this scene made me tear up… I want to skip a bit to Snow….so he visits Katniss…..he tells her he never lies to her and tells the truth…oh and gere we find out….wait for it, this was an unexpected plot twist…..turns out Snow didn’t order the bombing on the capital….no it was president Alma…….dun dun dunnnnn….thats right she bombed the innocent people….and her reason to do it is well…because,  she wanted to pin it on snow…to make him look more evil….so everyone turns on him…so then she can be elected president… I don’t know who’s more evil here…the guy who organize a game that is of teens killing each other for the capitals entertainment…..or ms Alma…who would murder kids just to pin on someone to get everyone to turn on that said person…..u pick……so yes…she will murder kids without hesitation…but snow, well he’ll never kill kids….specifically young kids……so at least he has morals?..🤷‍♂️….so Katniss brings this up to Alma….and yes she confirms she did order the bombing……and no she showed no remorse…….so she is a monster….

• anyways so the day has come for president Snow execution……its a public one….he’s been tied to a pole….Katniss is given an arrow and bow…..yes everyone is standing and watching her shoot snow…but in this moment she had to decide if she’s gonna use her arrow to kill snow…or kill Alma….who’s standing on a platform thats overlooking the execution……and of course we all know what she decides….oh if u think its snow….ur wrong…no. she shoots Alma instead….what the what?…..well I mean woo-hoo finally she had it coming…she ordered a bombing that killed innocent people…including Katniss sister…..

As u can see she kills Alma… now with president Snow laughing ….all the civilians surround snow and bea this to death…..yikes….so anyways now the war is over……Alma is dead and so is snow….if u couldn’t tell why she had to kill Alma….well its because she would have been as equally of a bad and corrupt leader as snow was….so anyways finally war done, I forget who’s gonna be the new leader…….also film ends with years passed and Katniss and Peeta are wife and husband….they both have 2 kids…or was it one kid……I forget……the end….honestly I do prefer this film over part 1……its a sad story, has a better story…and also action…..which was something part 1 was missing……alot…….anyways im gonna recommend this film and give it a solid 9.8/10

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