Movie Reviews – The Amazing Spider-man

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Amazing Spiderman: so im gonna start off with saying this film in a way is bizzare….because after Spiderman 3….since that film did horribly, Sony decided to press the reboot button (metaphorically) and rebooted the Spiderman series…and this film came out 5 years after Spiderman 3…..really? Only 5 years…..usually if a series is rebooted…they wait longer….not 5 years…..and if u think of it…its takes like 2 to 2 and a half years or 3…im not sure years to make a film… that means they rebooted Spiderman within a spam of 2 years after Spiderman 3….again that doesn’t make things better…..that makes it sound worse!…..anyways let me show u the trailer

Ill let u guys watch this, Ok so i should point out a few of those scenes in that trailer, are nor even in the film…..for example the line ” if u want the truth about ur parents Peter? Come and get it”….doesn’t even appear in this film….and neither does the “wanna play God’s “, line….those 2 lines don’t appear in the film….so a few things from this trailer where scrapped… let’s get to the plot…the plot is,  we see in the beginning of this film young Peter being left at his aunt and uncle by his family….why u may ask?…well its because Peter’s dad use to work for Oscorp for Mr Osborn…and one day his office in his house was somehow searched by an agent of Oscorp…so he fears for his life and doesn’t want Peter to be involved….so thats why they leave him… anyways in the future Peter Parker (played by Andrew Garfield) (i have problems with this actor choice….he’s a 22 year old man trying to play a teenager..and is in high school…..yeah I don’t buy that)….even worse Flash is in this film and the actor who plays him is ….24 years old!?….and playing a teenager…..yeah sure I totally believe that 🙄😑🤦‍♂️……sigh….anyways Peter has a new love interest named Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone)….BTW I prefer her over MJ…..this girl can take care of herself….heck she helps Spiderman in thr second amazing Spiderman film….and she freaking helps Spiderman out against a giant lizard man in this film…again she’s great……she can fight, and she doesn’t get captured at all… ill give them credit…..wait a go….👏….so one day Peter goes to Oscorp and sees that Gwen works there, and she works for a guy named Mr Curt Conners (played by Rhys Ifans) ( u might remember him as his role in Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1… Lunas father)….anyways…while there Peter enters a secret room and gets bitten by a spider…yeah we all know the origin story..
And blah blah uncle Ben dies…again skipping over those because we’ve been there, done that with the Sam Rami spiderman movies… anyways if ur wondering does Peter Parker ever find his uncles killer?…..nope….thats about the only thing thats different….I don’t know if I should praise them for that or hate that I had to watch 5 min of montages of him trying to find his uncles killer….do u know what I’m mad-happy….lets call it that and leave it at that… anyways one day Curt Conners is running out of time because Oscorp is trying to shut his project down…and he decides to inject himself with lizard DNA….so he can grow back his missing arm… doesn’t this sound familiar? ….it should be…because this is blatantly the same villains motivation in Sam Rami spiderman 1…….wow….just wow….so yeah if ur guessing does the serum work….yes but it does turn him into a lizard monster…..anyways this is the first time we see the lizard on the big screen…..another iconic Spiderman villain….and I won’t lie I both hate and love his appearance in this film……I hate that his face looks nothing like his comic book counter part…his face looks to humanoid….with voldemort like noise….and a normal human shaped bald head…..oh yeah so lizard like ….couldn’t u tell?….so anyways curt Conners becomes lizard…..Peter Parker becomes Spiderman..
BTW I hate his outfit in this film….the web designs on his mask don’t look accurate…and the lenses on his eye goggles look darker then usually….was not a fan of this outfit… glad to say they fixed that mistake in amazing Spiderman 2….by giving him his comic book accurate outfit……anyways let’s skip a bit…..the lizard finds out spiderman is peter Parker because he left his camera behind in the sewer and it says property of Peter Parker….nice going num-nuts….if ur gonna try to hide ur identity…putting ur name on ur camera u carry around, is sure he’ll of a way to give away ur identity…..christ…..anyways so lizard attacks spiderman at his school…here’s the scene…its a pretty good fight scene…..
Ok u still can’t tell me that face looks like a lizard…..oh forget to mention important side plot…in this film Gwen’s dad is a police officer…and he trying to hunt down spiderman because he thinks he’s a Menace…..sounds like he’s taking the role of J Jonah Jameson….so anyways…..also yes Gwen Stacy knows Peter parkers secret identity…..I forget how….anyways let’s skip to ending…so the lizards plot is to spread a serum to everyone to turn them into lizard people….why?…….how did his motivations go from wanting to create a serum to cure Mr Osborn… wanting to turn everyone into lizards……because the script says so… anyways Peter goes and fights Conners….but before that happens he runs into the cops and Gwen’s dad takes off Spidermans mask and now he knows its Peter Parker…….anyways here’s the fight scene between Spiderman and doctor Conners
So anyways the battle ends with Peter replacing the serum Conners made…with a cure to transform the lizard back into conners…and he does turn back to human…oh before that he does kill Gwen’s father……anyways her dying father makes Peter promise to not involve Gwen in anything Peter does….so film ends with funeral…and he does basically tell Gwen he can’t see her anymore….well she finds out herself her dad made him promise that…but next day at school he starts trying to hit on Gwen…🤦‍♂️….why…what was the point of the previous scene then!?…then the film ends with spiderman swinging in the air….the end…also there is an end credits scene that shows Conners in prison and being visited by a mysterious hat guy…now I bet ur wondering who is this guy…well so am i…he appears in the second film but we still know nothing about him
Anyways, I think u can tell how I felt about this film its not my favorite,  but ill say this i did like Emma stones Gwen Stacy and Curt Conners…..those character’s were great….ill give this film a solid 7/10

Amazing Spiderman 2: so the plot of this film is we start off with the exact same footage of Peter being sent off to his aunt and uncle…but then we see his family on a private plane heading somewhere and we see peters dad trying to upload something to  from his computer to a hard drive….and well there pilot comes out and tries killing them…..turns out he’s an assassin that ascorp hired to silence them…..he shoot peters mother….then well his father fights the pilot and he tosses the pilot out the door and he flies into the plane engine and it explodes….and yes the plane crashes….anyways we cut to modern day ad we see Spiderman has a new outfit…im gonna summarize up this 10 min……Spiderman is chasing down a criminal named (I forget him name but I know he becomes the character rhino…so let’s call him rhino)…..he is caring explosives in the back of his truck….oh and Spiderman need to get to graduation…or peter needs to because Gwen calls him whiles he’s pursuing a bad guy…saying where are u….u need to be here…..and oh yeah Peter sees her dead father….because he feels guilt dating her….don’t ask why…also during this chase…he bumps into a guy and saves a guy named Max (played by Jamie Fox) he works at Oscorp…and he’s quirky and not recognized by his superiors……oh and he has. Aman crush on Spiderman….Will get to that later, anyway he stops rhino…..and then he heads to the graduation…..blah blah lets skip a bit…we also get introduced to a guy named Harry Osborn (played by Dane Dehaan)…..and he’s visiting his dying father….who is dying of a goblin disease…
Thats right the goblin thing in this film is a disease the Osborns have…..just why?…also let’s talk about the main problem with this film….we clearly see Harry has till like 60 till he dies because thats how old his dad is before he dies of the disease…but in this film Harry a 20 something year old man is acting like he’s gonna die next week…..🤦‍♂️…..uhhhhhhhh……oh and him and Peter are friends…yet he was never mentioned in Amazing Spiderman 1… yeah….and now Harry is in charge of Oscorp because his dad dead……ok so skiping a bit…one night Max….tries fixing some wires thats standing over tanks of electric eels….don’t ask why their is electric eels…it makes no sense……anyways he falls into it……and oh boy u need to see this……here’s the clip

Thats right ur eyes are not Deceiving you….yes his teeth just got straightened by eels…..🤦‍♂️🤣🤣….what!?…what is this movie?…its dumb…..thats what it is… anyways later he wakes up and he’s now elctro…and he walks out of a morgue ….to downtown New York….and here Spiderman tries talking to Max ..although he forget Max name and a cop tries shooting max….now he thinks Spiderman tricked him and now hates Spiderman…..why?…because the script says so….here’s the fight scene

Yeah so smart….people just stand they’re cheering on Spiderman….while fighting an unstable weirdo who is a bit pissed… anyways he gets arrested….Spiderman puts on a fireman helmet and takes a hose and washes him down….yeah u hear that right his weakness is water……the F…… he gets sent to a prion and gets tested on……ok onto plot B……Harry invites Spiderman to his house and asks for his blood that has the spider serum in it…so he can heal his curse….Spiderman says no…and now Harry hates Spiderman…….eh kinda understandable….but he just comes off as whiny…..anyways Gwen is heading off to collage in this film….so it might be her and peters last time together……if u can’t tell whats gonna happen at the end…then u need to get ur eyes checked….its obvious……so anyways also Peter tries doing an investigation to what happend to his parents….and ehehehheh get this….his dad put subway coins inside a calculator that Peter own…but Peter would have needed to throw it to find coins In it….so that was a dumb plan…and it leads him to a abandoned subway….where he pulls a lever that lifts up a train from under the floor and inside is computer and he turns it on and it still works…🤣🤣🤣….this is so dumb….how did he think this plan of his to get peter down there would work?…..this is all convenient…….and he finds out why the spider DNA is not working…turns out he put his own blood in it …so the spider DNA will only work for anyone who is a Parker…….yeah yeah I know it’s dumb…let’s just move on and forget this….so anyways Harry gets kicked out of Oscorp by an A hole guy who works at Oscorp….he says u already look like ur already half dead… sorry no he aint…he’s only 20 somewhat years old….sighh……anyways he goes and breaks elctro out of prison….and they both team up to break into Oscorp….he promises he will give max….access to the power plants…also they want to both kill Spiderman as well… anyways they break into Oscorp and Harry forces the A hole down to the secret room where the spider DNA is….and in this room we see vulture wings, doc oc arms, rhino outfit….because…fan service….so anyways he has the guy inject him and yeah u need to see this to believe it

Oh dear lord, that’s right this scene plays out like a horror film….christ…this film went from being dumb and goofy…to down right horror….yeah as u can see Harry mutates a bit….there was an extended cut version of this clip that would have made this film rated R…in the extended clip it shows up close….harrys spine shifting….and up close his teeth falling out and replaced with sharp teeth and his nails come off and sharp nails come out of his fingers……yikes….so anyways let’s cut to Peter and Gwen…while she’s heading to the airport…he stops her and tells her he loves her…anyways they see the power act up in the city Peter leaves Gwen behind while heading to electro to stop him….anyways he gets there and they start fighting…and well, see for uraelf

Yeah u heard that correctly 🤦‍♂️….electro starts playing the Itsy bitsy spider song…..because it was so funny the first time Sony did this….😑……sighhhh…anyways Gwen comes in and helps Peter kill electro….here’s how he dies….

Yeah thats right Peter zaps lightning back to electro and he over heats and explodes….wow just wow…🤦‍♂️….I mean cool but just how…..and anyways end of film right……..right!?…wrong no because oh joy we get introduced the second bad guy of this film role clip

Yeah thats right Harry is now green goblin…and Hahhahahahah my god this looks awful….his skin is sickly green and he has spiky blond hair and has this outfit that looks half finished……wow green goblin ladies and gentlemen…this is what do I call it the worst version of green goblin we’ve ever gotten on screen….so anyways this fight scene lasts 3 min….pathetic…but it does happen inside a clock tower and Gwen falls to her death…..yeah thats right she dies….just like in the comics…Spiderman tries saving her but she dead….damn…looks like she won’t be able to go to collage anymore…🤣….ok I know that’s wrong but eh….fine yeah I feel bad for him but its just this was obvious it was gonna happen…so anyways funeral happens for her and peter retires as spiderman for a good year……there was gonna be a deleted scene that showed his father still alive and come up to him while he’s at Gwen Stacy grave….glad that got cut out because thats dumb….anyways Harry is in prison..a mysterious hat guy visits Harry in prison

And he recruits rhino to help them out in there plan to gather a team of people to take on Spiderman…get it this is setting up the sinister 6….that never happens because Spiderman 3…never came out because this film did poorly…..anyways film ends with spiderman going downtown to stop rhino and we don’t see them battle it just ends on Spiderman swinging a sewer plate towards him and thats it……what!?…seriously….do u know what fine whatever im done im done…movie is over….I honestly don’t like this film its not the best….its a step up from Amazing Spiderman 1…but thats not saying much…im gonna give this film a solid 5.8/10

Venom: ok so this film was originally gonna be R rated ….as u can tell by this trailer

See as u can tell, honestly I actually like this film…its not the best but its steps up better then Topher Graces Venom…….Tom Hardy was a perfect casting choice for this venom….im glad they casted him……but then u can tell by this next trailer its not a horror movie anymore

Honestly people weren’t happy with this venom design…having no spider symbol on his chest…but sifted white vanes…..but at the same time they liked this version of him because he looks and sounds more accurate then the Topher Grace version….then again anything would be a step up from the Topher Grace version….and then it’s abundantly clear this is no longer a horror film by this last trailer

“Like a turd in the wind”….seriously?….BTW that spawned like 100 memes….so anyways let’s get to the plot… the plot is, we start of with showing a shuttle crashing out of space…and we find out that the astronaut is J Jonah Jamesons son…….and he accidentally brings back an alien parasite…yeah instead of the symbiote coming out of a asteroid…this time its from a shuttle…although thats really not comic book accurate…but still….anyways….so one of the parasites possessed a Doc and she walks around the world to San Francisco….don’t ask why she walks there oh and it takes her a year….wow did this evil parasite not have anything better to do?….anyways we get introduced to our main character named Eddie Brock (played by Tom Hardy), and I got to say he was a great choice to pick to play Eddie Brock…..good job Sony 👏……anyways he has a job as a news reporter…..and he has a girlfriend played by Michelle Williams……..his life is perfect….but one day he interviews a business man named Carlton Drake (played by Riz Ahmed) and well Brock pushes his luck and tries to get Drake to tell him of his secret organization he runs……which does lead to Brock being fired…….oh and his girlfriend breaks up with him because the previous night he looked through her emails to get information on Drake……yeah she worked for Drake….so now we cut to some years later and Brock is living alone in an apartment….blah blah he gets approached one day by a scientist woman in a convenient store…..she tells him she can show him Drakes secret organization….if ur wondering what is this oh so organization…well…Carlton Drake has brought back some symbiotes and been trying to merge them with humans….because he believes the symbiotes are the next step in the evaluation plan…wow what a nut job….problem is sometimes the symbiotes won’t merge properly with hosts….it sometimes kills the people…..oh and he’s been kidnapping poor people to do the tests on….anyways when they get there…..Brock explores on his own in the basement of the building…and there he gets merged with an symbiote named venom…..and from now on these 2 characters are funny….trust me….granted some scene are a tad bit eye rolling but alot of scenes are funny….like this scene

Yeah its of Eddie asking his neighbor to turn down his music…..I love this scene……Anyways so basically if ur wondering whats the plot of this film now…well Carlton sends his goons after Eddie…to retrieve Venom and Bring him back….oh and venom does become and anti-hero…..not so much a villian…..also later on his ex girlfriend finds out he has an alien parasite in him and has him get in the car to take him to see her Doctor husband….yeah because thats what I’d totally do…if I saw my ex have some large huge monstrous creature in him….I would totally invite him into my car….🤦‍♂️….and this scene is bizzare….venom for some reason becomes a guidance counselor……don’t ask why…..he literally says…..have u apologized to her? If not u may never get to again……seriously when did venom become a guidance counselor?…..also I can’t tell if venom is supposed to be menacing or pathetic…because when Eddie’s ex girlfriend orders him into the car…venom says ” I like her, get in! “…..u like her because,  she ordered him to get into the car?..🤨.. 🤷‍♂️…..oh and don’t worry venom and Eddie do become friends…and by the end of this film venom wants to save earth….why u may ask?…because venom is much as a looser like Eddie….I wish I made that up….no see thats the reasoning…..venom says on my planet I’m a Looser, like u…..😑🤦‍♂️…..uhhhh….just what?….so anyways also I forget to mention the scenes where venom bites peoples heads off….look like PG-13 violence… shows no blood and it either cuts away or shows it out of frame….its like they wanted to make this R rated…but Sony said no….we need this to be child friendly…um why?….venom is supposed to be a brutal character…….so anyways Remember that other parasite I told u about…well it finds its way to Carlton Drake…and it merges with him…and we find out that parasites name is Riot…..BTW the fight scene at the end is dumb….its at night time ….yeah thats right…whos idea was it to have a fight scene between a big black alien and big black grey alien…at night…..thats down right hard to see things going on……so anyways I kid u not the fight scene ends with Carlton and riot in a shuttle heading to space and hehehe….I kid u not….venom comes onto it and well this happens

Riot: traitor!

Venom: have a nice life!

🤨😑🤦‍♂️….thats right u heard that correctly….venoms epic words to riot before he kills riot and Drake….is have a nice life…..I can’t take this seriously….is this supposed to be a comedy…..thats not an epic one liner….thats something u hear in a comedy…..have a nice life….give me a break…..anyways so the film ends with Eddie and venom still bonded…..and oh yeah they go into a convenient store and venom asks for some chocolate and fish sticks…..because thats venom now…he eats chocolate and fish sticks….yeah u know…unlike the comics where he eats people…but yeah sure…I hear chocolate and fish sticks are a great replacement for human flesh…….🤣🤣🤣…..anyways film ends with venom killing a robber who enters the store….and then there an end credits scene that shows Eddie going to visit a prisoner for interviewing…..named Cletus Kasady……and oh no…Woody Harrilson…why why …whats with that stupid looking orange wig ur wearing…..I can’t take him seriously….its Woody Harrilson wearing a corny red wig….tell me if u can take him seriously?

If u don’t know who Cletus Kasady is…well in the comics his a serial killer….he murdered his dog as a kid…and he killed tons of people including his family…..thats why he’s in prison….and in the comics he merges with a piece of venom…and it somehow creates an offspring called carnage….and well let just say he kills people way to brutally….hope they make venom 2 rated R  ..or else I’ll be Pissed….anyways I actually liked this film I recommend it…im gonna give this film a solid 8.7/10

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