Series Review – Arcane League of Legends Part 3

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson


Arcane League of Legends Act 3: let’s start off this review with the trailer for Act 3….so Here yall go

We’ve finally made it to the series final….and its about to get hectic…….also before we start I want to mention that they announced that a season 2 is coming out and it’s in production at the moment….so we might have to wait a few more years or couple of years…..anyways onto the review

So we start off with Viktor talking to Singed……..he’s telling Viktor that he’s working on a new version of the serum Shimmer…….he says it works on flowers really well…and Viktor asks but will it work on the flowers…which Singed walks up to him and says but ur not here to know about the flowers are u…I know a doomed man when I see one….he then pulls out small vile of Shimmer and he says If u go down this path…they will resent you… is all about sacrifice….thats why I left my my former partner….Heimerdinger……….ok w things to note…..this scene confirms to us that Heimerdinger and Singed worked together once…..and secondly Viktor does take the vile…but he believes Jayce will understand….which Singed says perhaps…..anyways we cut to Vi and Caitlyn…they both have sacks over there head and there hands tied up…..they both argue…..Caitlyn says when where u gonna tell me Jinx is ur sister…and Vi says as soon as u where gonna tell me the truth of why ur down here….then Caitlyn says I’ve told u the truth…and Vi says ok then what the marble then…….and Caitlyn says sighh….which Vi says yeah thats what I thought……then the masked man comes in the room and he takes his mask off and we now see who he is…its Ekko….thats right he’s still alive and he is a leader… a way….anyways this is how this conversation goes

Vi: why didn’t u say anything?!

Ekko: I didn’t know if I could trust u!

Vi: so u decide to come up behind and smack me in the back of my head instead!

Ekko: gee I wonder where I learned that from

Vi: well u should have still learned because u still punch like a little boy!

Ekko: and u still block with ur face!

Ok seriously for all seriousness what kinda comeback is that?….if u ask me thats kinda a weak comeback…u still block with ur face…….burn?…..I guess?……anyways Vi breaks loose of her chains and hugs him…he says how long u had those cuffs off…she said how long u been complaining……..lolo….anyways so they catch up a bit and Vi tells Ekko she still wants to try to save her sister…..which then ekko says follow me and she does……he leads her to a big wall that there painting a mural onto…and its of everyone they lost and on there is a picture of Vander, Mylo, Claggor and lastly Powder……actually that’s definitely symbolic because Powder did die and now there’s only Jinx……….also I wanna take this moment before I get to far but I realize this….maybe the character of Silco will or won’t do it for u….he’s really a hit or miss…..for me I don’t mind him…but I could see people not liking him…..because he maybe to one dimensional….oh don’t get me wrong he is one dimensional….but he’s not fully one dimensional and he has a somewhat of a reason for what he’s doing…..the one thing that started getting on my nerves about Silco was the way he speaks….yeah we gotta address this…the way he speaks especially to his colleagues or people who know him….is well like this…..uh huh well what do we have here Shit-Heads……nah nah nah what u said is wrong…..u forget the old ways and what brought us to here…… he basically talks down to the people he speaks with as if he’s Mr know it all…..thats my only complaint with Silco…besides that i think he’s a fine villian…he looks menacing, he sounds menacing enough……also he fits the narrative of the story…..anyways back to the story… of course Ekko doesn’t trust Caitlyn because she’s an enforcer and the underground hates them…..but since Vi trusts her….Ekko uncuffs…her…..he asks her about the marble and she says that it was something that stolen from Jinx……..and she tells Ekko ur in ur rights to keep it …what happened to u was wrong……but I’m trying to stop violence…if u keep it…then the cycle of violence will never stop…..they will just make more and more weapons using that …..he asks what she do with it and she says she has a friend who will help them out and he says I accept but only if I hand it to him with u………also if ur wondering where Jinx is well she returned back to her room and guess what she’s doing…talking to herself…she’s saying ughh Vi was with thay enforcer…she cares about her more then u….no no thats not true she was there for me…she was taken away….she wouldn’t leave me alone…again….yeah Jinx is definitely unstable….oh BTW she’s using a stapple gun to stitch up the wound on her leg…..ekkkkkk yeah that thought makes my skin crawl a bit……also now let’s go to Viktor….take a wild guess what he does …if yall guess he doesn’t take Shimmer…well then u be wrong…..he returns back to the lab and he drinks Shimmer…..which starts working its magic and also it links with the Hextech cube….to the point the cube sucks Viktors arm into it ..causing him pain……..and guess what the results are…well now his leg been replaced with a purple silvery robotic leg and so has his hand….yeah so what that cube and Shimmer did was start changing his limbs into robotic parts…also he seems now to be healthier…..I mean on one hand that’s a miracle….but on the other hand Heimerdinger was right…magic in this universe has and can harm people………yeah…also remember Selvika…well she’s at a bar and she bumps into another leader…..who knows Silco….this guy has his entire lower part of his jaw replaced with a golden metal jaw line……yeah I don’t want to know either….anyways he tries recruiting her to help him kill Silco…because in his words…Silco has become to soft and now everyone is starting to question his ruling…….he asks her if she’s in and it does look like she agrees but I’ll get to that later because this right here doesn’t get finished until later… remember that scene for later…….oh and Mel’s mother comes to pay her q visit… do I summarize up her mother oh right…tough, muscular….also she banished her own daughter away from there own house…thats why Mel resents her mother….I mean she’s in her right to resent her mom…I don’t blame her….oh BTW we get a back flash to a situation when she was a young teen…….so in this scene her mother wants to test her own daughter to see if she’s ruler material… she brings in a peasant woman who’s did some kinda crime……and the mother tells her dough to send her to her death…..ok first off thats just completely harsh….and really that’s what good rulers do….ummmm………anyways of course Mel says no…we should let her go and show her mercy….and as it seems the mother is…agreeing…yeah no instead she’s takes her sword out and slices the teenagers head clean off. .and it shows her head slid off her body…..and the mother says there is no mercy……..dammnnnnn…..thats just grim…………what a messed up woman……..also if yall are wondering whats going on with Jayce and Viktor….well let’s see they had good intent when it came to there creation and they put peoples lives before there inventions…so safety over invention…thats nice ..but then politics came jnto play…and alot of back stabbing happend and u know how politics are like….so in a way jayce kinda became corrupt…not his fault….its because of political agreements and deals and of course backstabbing……dang this is some sort of Game of Thrones type depth and writing here….bravo show…this is now officially the third show where I care and am invested into the political stuff… back to Ekko and Vi and Caitlyn they all go onto the bridge that crosses into Piltover… night time… they can do the exchange…bit Vi says she’s gotta go she wants to go try to save her sister…..and Caitlyn wishes her luck and they both hug….unfortunately Jinx is right above them….she’s kneeling on top of the bridge and she sees them hugging…so of course she tells to herself and says it’s just its just a friendly good bye hug thats what that is yeah a good bye hug……..sighhh u really do gotta feel bad for Jinx…..she’s been traumatized mentally…..anyways so Marcus and his men appear and Caitlyn tries to show her the evidence she’s uncovered….so of course Marcus says I told u to leave this alone……..and he was about to shoot Caitlyn but is hesitating to……….and if that wasn’t bad enough then Jinx comes out of nowhere and ekko and her start fighting……. ekko gets the upper hand by pumching her……and pinning her to the ground….but then she pulls out a bomb and seys it off….it explodes……which leads to Marcus dying….and his last words are tell my daughter i….ehhhh…….and thats the end of Marcus….now let’s recap a bit and see how his character progressed…in Act 1…he was hateful of Sargent working with Vander…to keep the peace……but now he ended up doing the same…in Act 2 he’s now working with Silco….to keep the peace….although Silco is a lunatic……but still……I think it’s poetic in a way….he ends up doing the thing he resented his Sargent for doing…..and now he’s Sargent and works for Silco……as stated I think the writing is really good……it has layers………also Ekko gets injured…his leg gets injured a bit…..also Jinx is unconscious and injured………uh oh……so then Silco and his men come onto the bridge and he notices Jinx…he seems worried he runs up up her and picks her body up…….honestly not gonna lie….all though Silco is a awful person….he does genuinely care for Jinx in some kinda morbid father daughter type way…..don’t worry I’m gonna give my two sense on that in a bit…..I have a bone to pick with…..anyways Vi and Caitlyn are far in the distance looking at Silco whiles he walking away with Jinxs unconscious body……while Vi and Caitlyn go back to Caitlyn home…..there her family help patch up Caitlyn wounds and she asks her mom to schedule them a chance to talk to the council….about her findings she’s discovered…..her mother agrees….tells her sister and her friend they should work on the presentation there gonna have to give them………so cutting to Silco…..he runs into Singeds….laboratory with Jinxs body……Singed puts her on the table tells him that she has fatal wounds…..Silco says u don’t thinks I know that……ok I kinda agree that was just pointing out the obvious…..also Singed pulls out a needle with a serum in it and he asks Silco if he’s fine with loosing Jinx if it comes to that…..Silco says she won’t die…she can’t die…….then Singed comes up behind Silco and injects him…..he starts becoming unconscious and Singed says while sitting him down on a chair….I once had a daughter………ok understandable why he knocks Silco out…..because if he sees the process he might intervene….anyways this next scene looks likes its straight out of a horror film……we see Jinx strapped to the table……screaming in pain because she gets injected….while thar happens she sees a vision of her sister and Caitlyn……she starts screaming nooooo…..also while that’s happening purple substance starts coming out of her mouth and eyes and nose….now what makes that grim is we don’t know if that’s blood or saliva or tears coming out of her…..because the substance is purple….which I think makes this way more grim if u think about it…….and then we see Singed standing over her and he says I can see this Is painful but it’s only gonna get so much worse…and he injects her again…….accompanied by one final scream from her……Jesus lord I have to give props to the directors……they made this scene unsettling in a way……anyways do Vi and Caitlyn go to the council……..they tell them about Silco…….and of course now they want to go to war against silco and his men…by doing an invasion….yeah because that’s always gone so well before in other films or shows……so this upsets Vi and she leaves…she tells Caitlyn to forget about her and to move on………back to Silco…he wakes up and notices Jinx isn’t there so he grabs Singed and aims a knife at him and says whay have u done….Singed says I saved her…….back to Caitlyn we see her inside her shower……taking one……and all that then she gets out of it….goes up to her mirror but she sees the outline of the monkey spray…..uh oh…then we see a glimpse of Jinx sitting behind Caitlyn….smiling in a sinister way while having glowing pink eyes…..yeah see now she has glowing pink eyes …….thanks to Singed…….oh and if ur wondering where Vi goes….well she goes to Jayce…tells him she wants to get revenge on Silco….so does Jayce…so they both team up….he crafts himself a hammer and puts Hextech marble inside it….to power it up…and Vi takes 2 big gauntlets that’s powered by Hextech marble as well…….they both go to the underground with some guards and they best up Silcos men……and damn this fight scene is done so well….oh and while this is happening there’s a kid just watching this go down…this kid works for Silco…..before yall say no no this show will kill kids right…..right…..wrong……for u see Jayce starts rapidly shooting magic from his hammer…around the room and he accidentally hits the boy……which then the boy falls off the bridge to his death……yeah this show went that far….so now Jayce has seen and gotten first look of what war looks like and he’s revolted by it…so he says where done here….he tries to get vi to give up her gloves to him…she says no so he gives up and walks away and says u won’t make it out here alone……don’t worry she does…back to her later……lets get to Viktor….so since the Hextech cube gave him robotic leg and hand…he feels stronger so he tries to go back and power himself up more…but guess who shows up…the scientist woman who was trying to ask him on a date…yeah she tried helping him yank him away from the cube….aww how sweet…but the cube disintegrates her into dust……Jesus lord can this show get any more sad……anyways….this makes Viktor break into tears…..understandable……he tries to destroy the cube but he cant………what…has this cube become the one ring to rule them all…except it would be the one cube to rule them all…….anyways so he puts her ashes into a container and goes to an edge of mountain where he goes to and thinks to himself….he tosses her ashes down into the river….at that moment he contemplates suicide……huh just like Jayce did all those years ago….at that moment Jayce comes in and saves Viktor by saying am I interrupting anything………ok that’s poetic……Jayce saying the same thing Viktor said to him those years ago…to prevent him from committing suicide……so then we cut to Silco…..he and Selvika are checking out the damage that Jayce and Vi did to one of his factories…..also the mother of that dead boy is there…..all mad at Silco while she’s kneeling over the corpse of her son…….which is understandable why she’s mad…..especially since she’s loosing faith in Silco….also the golden jaw dude is there as well just standing in the corner…flipping on and off his lighter……with a stern look the whole time at Silco…..yeah he’s starting to get sick of Silco……she asks what is he gonna do about her sons death…and Silco in a harsh way says we all mourn the death of ur son but at least he knew what he was getting himself into when joining the cause………he asks Selvika to help take the boys body our of the room……..afterwards they all go back to Silcos office and he sits down in his chair……the metal jaw dude sits across Silco…he warns Silco by saying ur gonna die today….Silco says that’s a risk I have been living with for a long time…..and while that’s happening Selvika is standing behind Silco….extending her sword out of her robotic arm……and she swings her sword…and as soon u the audience think she killed Silco….yeah nah instead she kills jaw dude….we see him with a slice across his throat and a cut across his metal jaw….and he just collapses over….good he had it coming…….then Silco really says something rude….to the woman…….” I would have had ur son killed for failing to protect the factory….but I guess where beyond that already “…..ok yeah no kidding that’s kinda rude …..especially to say to a grieving mother……then he looks at a piece if paper on his table that is filled with demands… scene we see him walking up to Jayce…while he’s just standing at looking at the scenery…….Silco walks up and hands him a piece of paper…basically asking for permission for transportation between the 2 cities and other stuff……Jayce says ur not in an place to make demands….which Silco says I’m giving u credit for ur little performance at the factory……but now it’s time for u to tip ur hat off and agree to these terms….Jayce says I’ve seen first hand today what a war between us would be like and I don’t like it…..which Silco says u want piece…this is the price for it…..Jayce says Jinx needs to face justice for her crimes…bring me Jinx and I’ll give u ur nation of Zaun……then Silco goes to the statue of his brother Vander….and I love this scene…he basically says well I understand now….how hard is it to give up someone u love…….this here is poetic…..he basically made fun of Vander for not giving up his daughters and for having a deal with Piltover….but now he’s in a similar situation where he is having a deal with Piltover…and he had to give up Jinx…who he considers a daughter……just like George Lucas said….its poetic….it all comes dull circle……anyways but Jinx is standing behind the statue listing to him talking about he having to give up Jinx but he wont…..take a wild guess what Jinx does…don’t worry we’ll get to that soon…for now we go back to Heimerdinger…he finds Ekko….he had an injured leg so he walks back with Ekko to his hideout….he’s impressed with the massive tree that grew out of the ground and there little fort within the tree…….I feel this is gonna set up for season 2 where he might help Ekko create inventions……but who knows we’ll wait and see…anyways now to Vi….she’s walks back into the Same bar as last time and she finds Selvika….now it’s round 2 basically…Selvika tells everyone to leave….they do that…and they both fight…also Selvika robotic arm has an ability that injects Shimmer into her blood system…I forgot to mention that…it makes her more aggressive….so they both fight…..Vi get badly beaten up….almost knocked out….but she gets a vision of Vander telling her she’s got this…so she gets up and punches the crap out of Selvika…grabs her by her robotic arm and rips it off and tosses her into a music player……and the winner is Vi…lolo just kidding this isn’t a video game……….anyways she kneels down panting and screaming….guess who shows up behind her…its Jinx….she says nice job sis…and knocks her out on the back of head…..uh oh……Vi wakes up tied to a chair in a dark room and sees Jinx walking down some stairs…she days I thought I could avoid this place but guess things don’t stay dead…..the place where Vander died…….yeah there back at that place……..Vi tells her during the time she’s been in prison all she could think about was getting out and reuniting with her… Jinx asks are we still sisters….Vi says nothing will ever stop that…Jinxs turns on a torrent infront of her and says I knew u would come back sis….she then turns her chair around to a table and tosses the touch across the table towards multiple candles…which lit up….she sis Silco on the other side tied up with a gag in his mouth……and Jinx says we’re missing one more person…..then she brings out a plater and places it on thr table…she says I payed a visit to her girlfriend….Vi said what did u do…she says I made her a snack and she opens the plater….vi looks away And screams noo….Jinx says pfff come on I’m not that crazy ….she opens it up and it’s a cupcake with the Hextech marble on top of it….then she goes and drags Caitlyn out to the table…she’s also tied up…..then she says now where do I sit…its really up to u Vi….and Vi looks at the 2 chairs…one says Powder…which looks like a cute chair with stuff animals near it…the other one is a throne type chair with feathers sticking out on each side….and it says Jinx…..ok I like this she’s basically saying whatever Vi does next will determine what her sister is gonna be from now on…either Jinx or Powder…….she asks Vi to shoot Caitlyn and make this all go away and she can have Powder back….Vi says she can’t do this….so she aims a gun to Caitlyn…ready to shoot her…Vi says top this u and I can run away for ever Powder and never loon back…she says where would we run to….Vi says anywhere…and Jinx goes over takes the gag off of Silco and says and what u think of that….right away Silco says her name is Jinx….and don’t listen to her….she will turn on u in one day…she will see ur not the same as u use to be and she will abandon u….ok dude seriously shut up ur a prick……..anyways Caitlyn breaks lose of her ropes and grabs Jinxs machine gun……tells her to drop her hand gun…and just to prove she’s not kidding…she shoots around Jinx…as a warning shot….Vi says plz dont…..Jinx puts down her gun with a nervous expression on her face…then puts her hands up in the air….but then she starts laughing a little and her eyes glow pink…next thing u know she’s zooming up to her and knocks her unconscious…..then Vi yells…Powder u can fight this I know ur still in there….remember Vander and Mylo and Claggor …….then Jinx starts seeing visions of them….well dying I meant to say….also Silco is of course yelling don’t listen to her!!…..all a sudden Silco grabs Jinxs hand gun and aims it to Vi….ready to shoot her ….then Jinx spins around in a circle while shooting at a chair with her machine gun……and we see which chair she shot…its Silco…she shot Silco…..yesss finally….knew q bit of Powder was still in her…..anyways she runs up to him saying she’s sorry for shooting him…he basically says I was never gonna give u up…….don’t cry…ur perfect…..then Silco dies…..ok I think it’s time to mention the fact that the next time I ever hear any of yall who saw this show….aay oh come on Silco was a great father to Jinx……then I’ll come and find u and slap u because……no no he wasn’t…the guy was a psychopath….that doesn’t make for a good father………also saying but come on he didn’t get mad at her for shooting her…do that makes him a great father…..umm ok then…so what ..thats basically the equivalent of if u doused ur own house in gasoline…then handed ur kid the match….then left the house….came back and congratulate ur kid for not burning the house down…….he literally raised her to become a terrorist…..great father my butt…..Vander was the better father….at least he was teaching his kids good moral lessons……and oh yeah genuinely tried to protect them……also not put them in harms way…unlike Silco who just tosses Jinx straight into harms why if it benefits his cause…….sigh anyways so this was the final nail in the coffin of her becoming Jinx….she decides to sit in the Jinx chair…basically saying to the audience yeah hey she’s no longer Powder…there’s no Powder left…only Jinx…….she tells her sister I was hoping u would still love me the way u did although I’m different…..but ur different as well so here’s to the new us……oh BTW u can tell Vi isn’t disagreeing…she doesn’t speak up or anything…because it’s true she doesn’t love her as she use to because she’s mortified by what her sister has become…..anyways Jinx gets up grabs q rocket launcher and the Hextech marble……walks to the edge of the room there in…aims it to the council tower…while she hears the voice of silco in her head saying we will show them all…..oh if ur wondering what the council is doing at the moment well Jayce and Viktor are up there with them telling them of of the only solution to do is to give Silco everything he wanted…..which gets them angry of course but we see them story to agree to this so they all start to raise there hands….um maybe that’s a bad idea…..anyways Jinx shoot the rocket……while Vi and Caitlyn are standing behind her…with Caitlyn screaming in agony…..understandable…..and as soon as Mel raises her hand to make this new deal with sick and Zuan….be a thing…the missile comes up behind them…she senses it looks behind them and we see the rocket break through the glass and thats it…thats how the show ends …yeah I know what some yall maybe thinking wait thats all….that ended abruptly…well in my opinion I actually think it’s a good ending it gives u the audience a reason to want to watch a season 2….speaking of they announced season 2 to come out….yep Netflix green lit a season 2….thats how successful this show was….and I full heartedly agree…..this show grabbed so much attention and brought more viewers to Netflix… the moment we don’t know when season 2 will come out they said it’s in the works…so looks like we will be waiting years ..unfortunately….but for now at least we cab rewatch season 1 again and again…anyways I highly recommend this show its so worth the watch…I’m giving Act 3 a solid 10/10……I hope yall enjoyed this review……I’m finally back to reviewing films and shows….the next review will be Army Of The Dead……

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