Series Review – Arcane League of Legends Part 1 & 2

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson


Firstly I want to say yes it’s been a while since I’ve posted a review……so I wanted to pick something really really great to review after all this time and today’s subject is an amazing show….. Arcane League of Legends is hands down a really really great animated show……its been a while since I’ve been this invested into an animated show……but this show has grabbed my attention……..let me first show yall the trailers… Here yall go

Also before any of yall say oh lord ….League of Legends….pfff .. well ok yes if u hate the game then that’s totally fine …but for this show it doesn’t require u to know anything about the game ….this show tells its own story……trust me its worth it……also warning this is aimed for a bit of a mature audience…it has some cussing, blood, violence, people smoking……..also if any of yall wondering why I’m reviewing the show like this in acts ..well the show did it like this …each Saturday… 3 new episodes aired …there’s only 9 episodes this season so it only took them 3 weeks to finish releasing this series…..also I won’t be mentioning every single scene that happens in each episode either wise will be here forever …instead I’ll be going through the important parts in my opinion and only some of the side things 


Arcane League of Legends Act 1: so this show starts off with our 2 main characters….. Vi and Powder……there kids in this scene…. also Vi has pink hair and Powder has blue hair…..anyways there on a bridge at night time while a battle is happening…..we see there uncle Vander fighting enforcers…..while Powder and Vi look at the corpses of there parents in front of them…yeah I should have mentioned this show is grim……in specific ways……right off the bat this is how the show starts its as if it’s warning the audience…like hey u if u don’t like grim and emotional story and u where hoping for a light hearted show then this ain’t for u….just leave…..lolo…..but seriously this is a great way to start the show in my opinion….also no there’s no context yet to why there battling ….but there will be later and I like that because it makes u the audience have a slight reason to stick around …well that’s if the opening catches ur interest…if not…well idk what to tell u….anyways so that’s how we open this show….with 2 kids crying over the corpses of there parents …while crouching on the floor of a middle of a war that just happened…….dammm……so anyways we cut to present day and Vi has grown a bit …she’s the oldest sister and then Powder is the youngest….plus now they have adopted brothers…… a pudgy boy named Claggor….and we wears goggles…..then there’s Mylo……he’s kinda cocky… he doesn’t treat Powder that nicely because she can’t fight and she has a tendency to screw things up…….anyways so they go out on missions together ..all 4 of them…to steel things…..there’s a reason they steel…its because they live in this city called Zaun…..its also known as the under city….and its a hell hole….very smoggy….is filled with tons of hostile people…..people that are not rich or fancy….then there’s Piltover…. its basically the upper city where all the rich folks live ….and that town is way more fancy…..also to give an idea of the loom of this show ….imagine a uhhh……futuristic steam punk type world …anyways off track….so back on track……Vi decides to lead them to rob a rich person’s place ….now why u may ask…well she got cocky and wanted to steel from Piltover……anyways the building they enter is a scientists building and well while they are robbing his place ….Powder accidentally finds something she doesn’t recognize…small blue marbles…….and uh oh someone comes to the door so they lock the door with a chair…so now they have to run out of the building but Powder accidentally drops a marble and it blows up the building……….yep so now everyone thinks a terrorist blew up the building…long story short they run back to the under city….Powder accidentally tosses the stuff they stole into the ocean…so they got nothing out of this trip……and they decide to go back to Vanders bar…where they live in the basement….to hide out for a bit till things cool off…but that never happens…..because everyone in Piltover is shaken by this and want justice…so they send enforcers down there to arrest the culprits……more on that later …for now let’s discuss about the second story that’s happening….see they also do a bit of investigating to see what caused the explosion so they go to the scientists building and the room was owned by a guy named Jayce…..and he was the person that was at the door…he was walking back to his room with his pal who’s name is Caitlyn…..more on her later …also the company sends over a cripple named Viktor….to determine if Jayce was doing something illegal…long story short he was….those marbles where balls of magic….and magic is banned……anyways so they put him on court so the court will determine his fate…..while he’s in jail….his mentor comes in…..a guy named Heimerdinger…..he’s a small furry creature who speaks like a human…but he ain’t human….he’s another species and he’s several hundred years old……..Jayce tells him he was using magic…and Heimerdinger says. …magic. no no thats illegal…I’ve seen magic do horrific things before…..he tells Jayce to not tell the council it was magic and just admit it was a mistake….so he goes in front of the council and he of course tells them it was magic….for u see he wanted to find a way to use technology to stabilize magic so they can use magic to advance there technology and well to help people……..but of course there about to ban and put him in jail but his mom speaks up and says can’t he just come home and they say all right fine he’s banned from the university forever and he can go back home…….ok between u and me he got off lucky. ..oh remember I mentioned his friend …..Caitlyn….well she’s the daughter of a rich family…and her mother is just a tad bit snobby she cares how people perceive them….anyways so she bans her daughter from hanging out with Jayce anymore….dang….so…..anyways he goes home gets mad at his mom because she didn’t back him up…..oh but get this Viktor and Heimerdinger is going through Jayce work and Viktor actually likes the research and wants to help Jayce out… with Jayce dreams dead and his mom didn’t back him up and he can’t talk or hangout with his best friend anymore …he goes back to his science room and contemplates suicide……..ok ummm yeah thats dark…but then Viktor comes in and basically says am I interrupting anything m…..then he says I actually like ur research I wanna help fund ur research…….so Jayce doesn’t commit suicide. ….anyways back to our 4 main kid characters. ……. so Vander wants to protect his kids from being arrested……and well they can’t return empty handed because they have to pay his friend who’s a collector….because business….so he grabs some junk…takes it to his friend ……and we meet another main character…a kid named Ekko….he’s a black kid with white hair….anyways he goes outside because he’s told to and then enforcers come in with there female leader. …and her right hand rookie. .named Marcus……more on him later…anyways they sit down he loses his temper at Vander…so his leader tells him tk leave while she talks to Vander………outside Ekko peaks in through a hole to hear the discussion…he finds out that Vander made a deal with the enforcers that they will not intervene with them if the under city won’t go up there…….dunnnnnn dunnnnn dunnnnnn……the plot thickens…. so now Ekko knows…..oh and he ends up telling Vi and her group……anyways back to Jayce and Viktor…….so they sneak back into the university to do there research …but they get caught by a female named Mel…..they tell her to give them a chance ans she does she says u have 1 night to give me something….so they go into there room and start working…long story short they where able to harnest magic with technology….and well Heimerdinger and some guards come In because they see something happening in that room……anyways he’s impressed and Mel comes in and agrees that the Era of magic should happen again bit jayce corrects them and says ehh it’s called Hextech…….so then they agree on that name…..and thats how Hextech came to be……oh before I forget remember that character I mentioned earlier named Marcus……well guess what….he’s not a good officer….turns out he’s secretly working for the main baddie of this show…his name is Silco…….his whole motivation is to start a war against the enforcers ….because of he doesn’t see them as equals to the people who live in Zuan……and at first glimpse u thr audience may think he looks like a typical baddie….a guy with a low suave voice….physical scars on the left side of his face…and one of his eye balls is black…..for some reason…I forget why….but don’t worry there’s more to him…..well get to that later I don’t want to get to ahead of myself…anyways so our main 4 kids have to stay low while Vander comes up with a way to deal with the situation they got themselves in so they dont get arrested……but the day has come …the enforcers came back down there to make the arrest….so Vander gives himself up to protect his kids and they accept this and puts cuffs on him… they start walking outside. …the female commander gets shot in the head and she falls onto the ground….and Silco walks out of the smoke………then Marcus says no no that wasn’t the plan and Silco says plans changed…and he tosses Marcus the bag of money he promised him………right at that moment Vanders friend tries to run up to Silco and kill him….but out of nowhere one of Silcos…men comes out and beats the guy tk a pulp……for u see this henchmen guy looks all mutated and hulk like size….plus he has purple veins all over him and he fights with anger… I knew I forgot to mention something…….so now Is the perfect time to mention it…..see Silco plan is to use a drug he had his evil ish scientist named Singed……crate for him…and the drug is called Shimmer…….and what this drug does is mutates people and brings out there inner darkness………and his plan is to mutate his followers and lead them into war against the enforcers and Piltover………yeah he’s crazy …..anyways so then they drag Vander away and Marcus is just standing there and he tosses his money onto the floor……yeah good choice….anyways Vi goes and tells her sister and her brothers that Vander been captured and they need to go save him……so she and Claggor and Mylo go and save hjm….but they leave Powder behind because Vi can’t loose her sister and well Powder wouldn’t be helpful…for one she can’t fight and also her inventions she creates……oh right forgot to mention that she creates things specifically bombs…..but they always fail….anyways so they head out and leave Powder behind…..then we cut to Silco and Vander……he has Vander tied up and here we find out something…Silco is Vanders brother…..Dunnn dunnnnn dunnnnnn…..the plot thickens……we also find our how Silco got that black eye……for u see Vander fought against Silco In polluted water and was pushing his head into the water and the polluted water got into that eye and infected it……yikes……also if ur wondering why they where fighting….well its because Silcos motivations where a little to much……anyways so Silco does offer Vander to join his team…all though he hates him……he never lost respect for Vander though……..but of course Vander says no….so he ties Vander to a chair…also here we see one of Silcos right hand man….and her name is Sevika…….anyways more on her later…….so Vi and Claggor and Mylo show up try to save Vander…..but of course it was a trap and Silco and his men including his henchmen shows up…and he gives him another vile of the drug which mutates him…and as he tries running towards them…vi classes the metal door that’s infront of them …while Mylo tries breaking Vander out of his cuffs ….and while Claggor punches through the wall so they can get out of the place………anyways back to Powder….we see she’s throwing a temper tantrum….she’s crying and trying to rip the head off of a windup monkey toy they have and she tosses it to the ground…the head falls off and she gets an idea….back to Vander and the team….they try breaking him out but the mutated henchman opens up the door….uh oh but in the moment Powder shows up outside with her new invention…for u see she put those explosive marbles in the monkey and one around his neck so when it claps it would break the marble…so she tosses it inside after winding it up….and it explodes…..and this happens….we see Selvika stand in front of Silco to protect him…dont don’t she survives we see her in the other arcs but this time with a Robotic arm…..then we see Singed in his lab and he turns around to see the flames comes to him and he gets burnt….don’t worry he also survives….he’s just now burnt…or Singed if u will……….cough……bad pun I know……anyways and oh no Mylo gets impaled with sharp metal and Claggor gets knocked down but then rubble falls on both of them and they both die………congrats Powder the one time ur invention works it leads to the death of ur 2 brothers….maybe u shouldn’t have helped…..anyways we see her smiling because her invention worked and she doesn’t know she just killed her 2 brothers……then we see Vander under pile of rocks but he pushes them off of him so he can go kill Silco…but there the mutated guy still so he instead fights him but the mutated guy does beat up Vander pretty dang well to pint he’s getting exhausted….but he does kill mutated guy and then he goes for Silco and he shocks him but he doesn’t have it in him to kill his brother ….so Silco pushes Vander off the bridge there on…into vats of those drugs oh no….and now he’s mutated……..oh did i forget to mention the other mutated guy isn’t dead yet but don’t worry because now super mutated Vander finishes the job and kills the mutated dude…while Silco escapes…….in Vanders last control of his mind he opts to grab vi and toss both the out the window over going after Silco… he throws both them out th window and Vi survives but Vander doesn’t….I’m his last words he tells Vi to protect Powder…..dang this is sad……but then Powder comes out the corner and says see my invention it worked did u like it….and this makes vi angry because she’s like u did this?……why….then Powder starts crying…while saying I was trying to help….but Vi slaps her and knocks her to the ground and says mylo was right u are a Jinx….and as she’s about to slap her sister again…she just runs off …leaving Powder behind….while she screams for Vi to come back…saying Vi I need u…plz!!!………..aww….but then Silco shows up….and ready to stab Powder…but he asks him where her sister is….and she grabs Silco….knocking him to the ground and she hugs him…saying she left me and she’s no longer my sister….and in that moment he embraces her into his arms and says it’s alright well make them all pay…..oh and if ur wondering where’s Vi…well she was about to run back to Powder but Marcus comes out of nowhere and drags her away…saying shhh if u go up there he will kill u……and thats the end of Arcane League of Legends Act 1…it ends with Powder looking at the distance with an angry expression……oh and the lightning I’m this scene is clever because it makes her eye look purple…which is the color of her eyes in the game…and if yall wondering why her eyes aren’t purple in this show…well we will get to that later I don’t want to spoil it…..anyways I freaking love this arc it was a really well done emotional Art……I love the visual effects …..the animation style……I rarely feel emotional over a show but this show got to me….I highly recommend it…I’m gonna give this Act a solid 10/10



Arcane League of Legends Act 2: let’s start this review off with the second Act trailer so without further or do….here’s the trailer

Heads up if this second Act review seems shorter…..its because compared to Act 1 there’s not as much going on as there was in Act 1…….anyways onto the review

So we start off with a time skip and now it’s something years later and we see that the entire city of Piltover has been upgraded and using magic…..anyways we see a blimp come in…carrying some sort of cargo that’s in barrels…..and as there being transported onto the blimp……a group of masked men come flying into the blimp on hover boards……yeah not gonna lie that is sick…..anyways the masked figures try stealing the cargo….but 2 of them fall into a hatch that leads them into the bottom floor of the blimp…..while there exploring down there in the dark they look back at the hatch and what they see is a spray painted purple monkey on the bottom of the hatch…..take a wild guess who it is. ….if yall guessed it was Jinx….then u be correct…….u win nothing…..lolo….so now they know Jinx is there….so they start looking for her in the dark…….they turn around because they hear a noise and they aim there flashlight into the dark…they see a swing…and its moving….it moves upwards and there’s words spray painted onto the bottom of it…and it says Boom…..and at that moment a bomb explodes….and smoke comes out of the hatch…..also Jinx appears out of the smoke…she just walks up and says uh hi…and she grabs 2 bombs from behind her and tosses it to 2 of the masked men…it attaches to them and knocks them for the blimp and explodes them…….oooooffff…anyways then one of the masked men run towards Jinx and fights her…but she knocks the mask of the masked person and underneath is a pink haired chick that looks similar to Vi….but isn’t her….so Jinx freezes and starts having flashes back to Vi….but she does shoot not Vi in the head…leaving the leader of the masked men to fly away on his hover board……after that we see Sevika is still alive but she has a robotic arm now…she comes up to Jinx and says u where supposed to protect the cargo…not destroy it………well I mean what did u expect….having a insane unstable person who only relies on shooting people or using bombs… protect fragile cargo…..seriously what did u think was gonna happen?…..thats like asking a toddler to take care or a vintage glass plate………lololo …..anyways so we now let’s go to Viktor and Jayce……..we see that Viktor is really ill….he’s dying….now I realized i didn’t specify what type of cripple he is…..he has a cane….there I’m sorry I forgot to mention that….so we see he’s not just a cripple……he didn’t get his leg injured….no for u see we do get an answer of sorts…as a kid where he grew up in Zaun……he would always play in and or near polluted water….idk why either…also yeah that definitely wouldn’t have helped his mental health……also as a kid one day he was playing with a toy boat he made…he had it flow down a river…it went into a cave…so he had to go retrieve it…and in the cave guess who he sees….a creature of sorts and who’s with the creature u may ask…’d Singed…..yeah Viktor met Singed when he was just a boy…….anyways Singed tells young Viktor that the creature is dying and he wants to keep it alive at any costs….Viktor said he wants to help and Singed says ok……I’ll get back to this in a bit……anyways back to present day…so wanna know how ill Viktor is….well he’s now pale….. is skinnier…..also coughs alot and sometimes coughs up blood………yikes…not good……so in this and next Arc Viktor is wanting to expand there research so he can use magic to help cure himself………understandable……and what he maybe doing might be pushing it…he’s experimenting around with the Hextech cube they made….yeah they made one I guess….he’s seeing if he can use its power to cure himself…yeah thats treading dangerous territories……..oh also as for Jayce…he’s become popular…everyone likes him….he’s not attending events….blah blah that kinda stuff….if u already can’t tell…the second Act is more focused of political stuff….and do u know what’s strange….I don’t mind it…yeah unlike the star wars prequels where I hated the political talk….I actually was invested in it….In this show…..also in game of Thrones….so thats telling me those 2 shows did political talking better then George Lucas ever could……oh right also the political talking in the clone wars interested me…and that wasn’t made by Lucas…it was made by Dave Filoni……so yeah I definitely think George Lucas doesn’t do political stuff correctly……anyways back to the show…….also Caitlyn becomes a enforcer herself….oh nice congrats……..ok skipping a bit Mel and the council also vote that Jayce should become the 7th council member….yeah things are looking up for him……ok now we get to my favorite part of this arc……so during one of Jayce speeches he is giving….Jinx decides to go bomb a building in Piltover….which lead to thr death of 8 enforcers……also Caitlyn single handedly say Jinx walk away in the distance so she could tell she did this…..oh if ur wondering why Jinx did this…well for u see her father Silco thinks she’s immature or not capable so she tries proving him wrong … doing this…also this plays as a distraction so she can go and grab one of the magic orbs……and bring it back to Silco…..huh nice plan…..anyways we see back at Silco hideout….and in Jinx room which is and get this a giant metal fan hovering over a massive hole…yeah thats here room…….good golly she’s crazy… we see her welding something while listening to a song from Legaue of Legends…the song is called get jinxed….and oh boy I find this song catchy….here’s the song… case ur wondering

We see her welding something while she’s  dancing a little to the music…….also Silco is standing behind her yelling at her…..Jinx!!!……Jinx!!!……Jinx!!!……see she can’t hear him because she put the music on very very loud…….so he goes to the music player and slams his fist into it….which stops it….he yells at her for blowing up a building which lead to enforcers dying….he asks do u know what u have done….she says of course I do and she hands him the orb… that moment he stops yelling as if he’s like oh uhhhh huh… this scene confuses me….why would Silco get mad at Jinx for blowing up a building in Piltover….when his whole goal is to start a war against them….yeah if anyone else who watched this series could explain why Silco is mad because he got what he wanted in a way….plz by all means explain it to me….thanks…….ok so skipping a bit do I don’t mention every detail…..we see Caitlyn go down to Zuan…to a prison so she can speak to a prisoner…only issue…said prisoner is in a coma because another prisoner put him into a coma….and u wouldn’t be able to guess who it is…..thats correct it’s Vi….she’s been in jail for all these decades…….anyways Caitlyn asks her about Jinx and the monkey spray design she leaves behind…..Vi offers to help her if she can leave….so Caitlyn gets her out of prison with a fake release slip……they let her out and they go together to find out where Jinx is…….also Vi wants to find her sister so she can reunite with her……ok so back to Viktor….we see one of his colleagues who’s a female has a crush on him…she offers to walk back with him to his apartment but he turns her down and says I’m working late….ok either he’s turning her down so he can save her the misery and pain of him dying soon….that or he’s just clueless…..also Jayce brings down Heimerdinger down there to see a project there working on…but Heimerdinger tells them they need to get rid of this project  ..which is the Hextech cube thing…and his reasoning is because he’s seen what magic has done to civilization before…..and the horrors it’s done…….so he tells them to shut it down… of course Jayce goes tells his new girlfriend Mel….and u can guess what happens….next meeting Jayce says i think it’s time for us to give Heimerdinger a nice retirement…and they all agreed on it…….good job Jayce u have let power blind u in a way……hope ur happy…..also remember how earlier I mentioned how Viktor met Singed…when he was just a kid…well back to that…..we see that he later went back to the cave still when as a kid and he sees the same creature but this time it is screeching in pain and has blue ooz coming out of its eyes and mouth….he goes up and hugs it and Singed comes up and says he did this to the creature…which Viktor says u did this?…..and Singed said …I told u this creature needs to live on……yeah i forgot to mention from what I’ve learned from the internet Singed is basically a mad scientist who does horrific tests and experiments all for to figure out if he can prolong human life spam….heck there was a time in the lore apparently where he stitched 2 people together just to see if he can prolong said person’s life….yeah thats F****d up…..then we cut back to modern day and we see Viktor go to singed…..yeah he found him and he says I understand now…and we see Singed finally…he’s still alive he’s just burnt and is wearing a mask around his mouth…….he’s hiding away in the underground in his laboratory……anyways back to Vi and Caitlyn…….there going around Zuan…trying to find out where Jinx is…..they don’t really get anything….. but they do bump into Selvika they fight hand to hand….but Vi gets stabbed by her in the rib…..oooff……ok before i get to ahead of myself I want to mention that remember that character Marcus…well he’s working for Silco…still…….lovely I guess….and now he has a daughter…wow I bet she’d be ashamed of him if she found out the things he’s done……huh a corrupt cop…..yep that sounds about right……..also come to think of it alot of the things in this show is really close to reality…think about it…poverty……corruption…..manipulation………politics…..I just realized that….anyways so since vi got stabbed she’s bleeding out so they of course run because why not….they find themselves way down in the lower depths of Zaun….Vi starts becoming dizzy because u know loosing blood…so Caitlyn has her lie down while she finds help..and of course a random hooded hobo comes up to her….takes her to a shadey…..which….who steers her up a brew of some sort that can heal someone….because u know….magic I guess …so she gives it to Vi….and it heals her……..thats nice…..anyways Jinx is there…she’s way above them on a platform….so at this moment she pulls out a flare of sorts that Vi gave her decades ago….she said to her then….wherever u are no matter how far away…light it up and I promise I’ll be there… she lights it up….she basically wanting Vi to come back into her life…..awww…..anyways silco and his goons show up because Selvika tells him Vi is still alive……..uhhhh yeah……..also Jinx tied her up to Silcos ceiling do he knew she did that……anyways he came to kill Vi….but of course both Caitlyn and vi are smart and knock the giant beams around tbem down onto Silcos men…and they both escape while Silco getting out of the rubble…and screaming of course because he baddie…….lololo….also Vi sees Jinx having the flare in her hand…and as soon as it goes out Jinx thinks vi isn’t gonna show up so she gets mad…but at that moment vi shows up and hugs her…..of course Jinx is happy to see her but since she’s looney she has no idea if this is a hallucination or if she’s real….but Vi confirms this is real…so Jinx allows her to hug her….but then Caitlyn comes up and says wait Jinx is ur sister….and Jinx seems mad to see Caitlyn because she’s an enforcer …but she gets even more mad when she finds out and sees that Vi become friends of sorts with Caitlyn….yikes…so Jinx breaks down starts hearing voices in her head and speaking out loud to them…telling the voices to shut up and saying to Vi hehehehe ur lying to me of course u r….ur not here for me ur here to arrest me….and to think I needed u…….ohhh ok yeah she’s really broken….but I mean I don’t blame her….think about it as a kid she saw her dead parents right in front of her….her siblings made fun of her for her child hood…then she accidentally killed her father and 2 brothers….then her sister leaves her behind…..and unknowingly left her to Silco…..also being raised by Silco probably didn’t help….so yeah I’d say that’s gonna do a fair share of damage to her brain….anyways Vi walks up to her while she’s holding a machine gun to them…vi says shoot me if u want but I’m not leaving u again I’m here for u…at that moment the masked men come In and start attacking them… and Jinx fight back to back against them…but Vi sees Jinx brutally killing these men…with this joyful smile on her face….which is freaking Vi out because this isn’t the Powder she remembers…….yeah…who said this show was happy…I sure as heck didn’t……at that moment one of the masked me knock Vi down and is about to kill her but there leader says no take her with us…..and the enforcer…so they do…they throw a smoke bomb on the floor to blind Jinx…and as soon as the smoke cleared up…they have vanished…..leaving Jinx there alone…again…to just scream…and thats the end of Act 2…..I honestly still love this shoe though this Act is a little slower then the first 1…..doesn’t mean it’s bad ……I just prefer Act 1 over this Act……overalls very entertaining….I gonna give this Act a solid 9/10…..toon in next time when I release the review on the last Arc of this show… me its worth it….

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