Young Adult Network

We’ve engaged a network of more than 1,200 friends and their families and expanded the scope of our work significantly, offering more than 200 recreational and educational programs a year. We are expanding efforts to engage our young adults’ ages 18 – 45 of all abilities through initiatives like Friends on the Town and i-Volunteer, which offer opportunities for older members to develop meaningful relationships with individuals and organizations. We hope to build on this work with the help of our alumni as we seek to make genuinely equal social opportunities for everyone.

The Alumni Council

The Young Adult Network Leadership Council is working to continue fostering Friendship Circle’s mission, establish continuity of alumni involvement, and connect with Pittsburgh’s young adult community. In order to achieve these goals there are subcommittees. They are Brand Ambassador/Education Outreach, Fundraising, Event Development and Community Engagement, and Alumni Outreach.

The Alumni Council Mission

The Alumni Council aims to continue fostering Friendship Circle’s mission among current and past members of the Pittsburgh delegation, establish continuity of alumni involvement and foster lasting investment in Friendship Circle.

  1. Reconnect alumni with Friendship Circle events and friends
    1. Engage alumni in Friends on the Town, rekindle friendships, and develop events
  2. Connect Friendship Circle to Pittsburgh’s young adult community and expanding FC’s mission beyond the realm of Friendship Circle activities


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Recent blog posts

Are You Corruptible?

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week we begin to wind down the final portions of the original Four Books of the Torah (the Fifth takes on a different tone as it reiterates much of the previous four and is written in first person by Moses). It includes several episodes – primarily starring Pinchas, the Parsha’s namesake –… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: July 26, 2024

FOTT Wellness Friends on the Town had a blast exploring creativity and wellness this week at Wightman Park! Ally led us in creating inner and outer self portraits of ourselves as she discussed how creativity promotes wellness. It was so fun to see the art that everyone produced! We can’t wait for the next opportunity to practice wellness together. Emma… Read More

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Not for Prophet

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY We read a very interesting episode in this week’s Torah portion (Parshat Balak) regarding Balak, a king who feared the Jewish people and therefore hired Bala’am, a prophet, to curse them. Bala’am was unable to do so because, in keeping with the rules of prophecy, he opened his mouth and was only able… Read More

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