Plenty of Nothing

Categories: Parsha, Pekudei

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY I’ve got nothing. So this week I’m in a bit of a conundrum. There is lots going on from a Jewish perspective (we conclude the Book of Exodus, we are about a week away from Purim) and the Parsha – Pekudei – is pretty repetitious. A few weeks ago, Moses is commanded by… Read More

Make it Happen

Categories: Parsha, Vayakhel

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha, Vayakhel, contains the actual production of the Tabernacle. Yes, several weeks ago (Teruma) contained the exact instructions of how it should be done and this week contains the exact details of the Jewish people, directed by Moses, fulfilling those instructions. Why? The Torah does not include anything extra and can… Read More


Categories: Ki Tisa, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha is a rough one. It should have been simply a purely positive and momentous event on the Jewish calendar – the giving of the Torah – with its culmination in Moses’s returning to them with the entire backstory if you will. Instead, what took place was a grave error and… Read More

A Glaring Omission

Categories: Parsha, Tetzaveh

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY You know how some things are famous for what they aren’t? Like an apology that isn’t really an apology – “I’m sorry for how that made you feel.”Or a speech that doesn’t mention by name the one thing that people were listening for? So this week’s Parsha -Tetzaveh – is one of those… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: October 23, 2024

Sukkot Party The Friendship Circle building was filled with laughter, dancing, and yummy food for all of us enjoying the holiday! Band Together came and provided some sweet tunes for us to listen to, and we also had Weird Eric and O’Ryan put on a comedy game show which was very fun and interactive. Sholom G. made sure to get the… Read More

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Get Happy

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY In what can arguably be described as the quickest, most emotionally pinballing four days on the Jewish calendar (I’ve spoken about the five days between Tisha B’av and Tu B’av – the saddest and then a most joyful day during the summer, but that fifth day gives us an extra day of transition),… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: October 16, 2024

I-Volunteer Friends on the Town (FOTT) members gathered on October 10 for an evening of volunteering with Weinberg Terrace’s residents. FOTT members and Weinberg Terrace residents enjoyed many rounds of bingo together. FOTT members also created fall-themed suncatchers to be hung on Weinberg Terrace’s sukkah. It was a great evening of community connection in preparation for the upcoming Sukkot holiday. FOTT… Read More

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