Choose Wisely!

Categories: Parsha, Re'eh
Illustration of a silhouetted man standing on a road that diverges ahead, with a low sun in a pinkish sky and a desert landscape

Art by Sefira Lightstone

Choices. Good or bad, right or wrong, so many choices. Why? Why can’t it be easier for us to make decisions just by looking at the facts and determining what’s right? Why is it that often those choices seem unclear? A bit of clarity that we’re doing the right thing shouldn’t be too much to ask!
The Torah portion of this week is Re’eh, which means “to see.” In it Moses continues to teach the final lessons to the Jewish people prior to his passing. The concept of “seeing” is a command but also a blessing. Moses tells of the potential blessings and curses that could come as a result of listening to G-d’s commands (or not). Choose to go in G-d’s ways, says Moses, and blessings will occur. Don’t, and the opposite effect are likely to take place. While this may sound as a warning or word of caution, what Moses is blessing them with is far greater: May you have the vision, the sight, the ability to see the blessing and the curse, what is right and what is wrong. Yes, things may not seem clear all the time. We may be unsure if our decision is the right one. But let us keep focused on our mission to make the world a more good and G-dly place; with that as our established goal, we are more likely to “see” the right choice and enjoy the blessing of success. But we always need to ask G-d for clarity. As they say, if doing the right thing were easy and obvious, everyone would do it! Good Shabbos!

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