Tough Love

Categories: Bechukotai, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha (Bechukotai) contains some difficult content. In it is something described as, “The Rebuke,” where Moses conveys what terrible events can transpire if the Jewish people do not follow in G-d’s ways. Suffice it to say that there are some pretty rough examples. So much so that we do not call… Read More

Weekly Roundup: May 31, 2024

Categories: Newsletter

FOTT Wellness Friends on the Town members took some time to relax after the busy Friends All Around weekend! On Thursday, May 23rd, participants enjoyed a berry banana smoothie with their choice of delicious toppings at the smoothie bowl station. At the flower affirmation station, members made bouquets of fresh flowers and wrote affirming notes to themselves and others (because… Read More

Mountain Time

Categories: Behar, Parsha

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week’s Parsha, Behar, contains various laws including that of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years. What I would like to focus on, however, is the name of the Parsha. These laws were communicated to Moses on Mt. Sinai, the spot famous for being where the Torah was given. The Parsha’s name is “Behar,”… Read More

Weekly Roundup: May 24, 2024

Categories: Friendship Circle

Friends All Around 2024 Our annual fundraiser gala was a great success! This year’s Friends All Around celebrated 18 years since The Friendship Circle of Pittsburgh was established in 2006. Taking place at The Westin Pittsburgh, we honored our graduating seniors during a VIP reception; heard from parents, members, and executive staff; and watched the Friends All Around video, which… Read More

Friendship Circle Tribute Book

Look through our 2022 and 2023  Friendship Circle memories and see what we have been up to!

Tribute Book 2023

Friendship Circle Tribute Book 2023

Recent blog posts

Are You Corruptible?

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY This week we begin to wind down the final portions of the original Four Books of the Torah (the Fifth takes on a different tone as it reiterates much of the previous four and is written in first person by Moses). It includes several episodes – primarily starring Pinchas, the Parsha’s namesake –… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: July 26, 2024

FOTT Wellness Friends on the Town had a blast exploring creativity and wellness this week at Wightman Park! Ally led us in creating inner and outer self portraits of ourselves as she discussed how creativity promotes wellness. It was so fun to see the art that everyone produced! We can’t wait for the next opportunity to practice wellness together. Emma… Read More

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Not for Prophet

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY We read a very interesting episode in this week’s Torah portion (Parshat Balak) regarding Balak, a king who feared the Jewish people and therefore hired Bala’am, a prophet, to curse them. Bala’am was unable to do so because, in keeping with the rules of prophecy, he opened his mouth and was only able… Read More

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