Part 4: Fan Fiction in Popular Culture

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, History of Fan Fiction, Sarah Lehman

It’s far from uncommon to see pop culture being referenced in everyday life, and especially common to see it referenced in other works (for instance, Marty McFly refers to Darth Vader at one point in Back to the Future). As such, it shouldn’t be surprising that the concept of fan fiction has been mentioned in ‘official’ fiction. Perhaps the most… Read More

Movie Reviews – The Amazing Spider-man

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Amazing Spiderman: so im gonna start off with saying this film in a way is bizzare….because after Spiderman 3….since that film did horribly, Sony decided to press the reboot button (metaphorically) and rebooted the Spiderman series…and this film came out 5 years after Spiderman 3…..really? Only 5 years…..usually if a series is rebooted…they wait longer….not 5 years…..and if u think of it…its takes like 2 to 2… Read More

Series Review – Arcane League of Legends Part 3

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

PART 3 Arcane League of Legends Act 3: let’s start off this review with the trailer for Act 3….so Here yall go We’ve finally made it to the series final….and its about to get hectic…….also before we start I want to mention that they announced that a season 2 is coming out and it’s in production at the moment….so we… Read More

Series Review – Arcane League of Legends Part 1 & 2

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

PART 1 Firstly I want to say yes it’s been a while since I’ve posted a review……so I wanted to pick something really really great to review after all this time and today’s subject is an amazing show….. Arcane League of Legends is hands down a really really great animated show……its been a while since I’ve been this invested into… Read More

Writing Process Post Outline

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

By: Sarah Lehman Some of you may have already written/started writing fan fiction of your own, whether you knew about fan fiction before discovering this blog or not. If you haven’t, but would like to, I have a few basic guidelines and tips that you may find helpful. Of course, these are not hard and fast rules, but I feel… Read More

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Friendship Circle Tribute Book

Look through our 2022 and 2023  Friendship Circle memories and see what we have been up to!

Tribute Book 2023

Friendship Circle Tribute Book 2023

Recent blog posts

Weekly Roundup: October 23, 2024

Sukkot Party The Friendship Circle building was filled with laughter, dancing, and yummy food for all of us enjoying the holiday! Band Together came and provided some sweet tunes for us to listen to, and we also had Weird Eric and O’Ryan put on a comedy game show which was very fun and interactive. Sholom G. made sure to get the… Read More

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Get Happy

A WEEKLY TORAH THOUGHT FROM RABBI MORDY In what can arguably be described as the quickest, most emotionally pinballing four days on the Jewish calendar (I’ve spoken about the five days between Tisha B’av and Tu B’av – the saddest and then a most joyful day during the summer, but that fifth day gives us an extra day of transition),… Read More

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Weekly Roundup: October 16, 2024

I-Volunteer Friends on the Town (FOTT) members gathered on October 10 for an evening of volunteering with Weinberg Terrace’s residents. FOTT members and Weinberg Terrace residents enjoyed many rounds of bingo together. FOTT members also created fall-themed suncatchers to be hung on Weinberg Terrace’s sukkah. It was a great evening of community connection in preparation for the upcoming Sukkot holiday. FOTT… Read More

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