Harry Potter

Categories: Jarrod Edson, Sarah Lehman

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban: so the plot is that well Harry Potter leaves his home because he used a spell to inflate his evil grandmother….and well he is pissed because she made fun of his dead parents….long story short….while he stands outside to wait for the knight bus to come and pick him up….he sees a black… Read More

John Wick Series

Categories: Jarrod Edson, Sarah Lehman

I’m gonna start with a warning ⚠️,  this film series is rated R for brutal violent scenes and constant action and well cussing….and to dog lovers…turn away while u can….u have been warned.   John Wick: so where to start, well let’s start with the plot…so the plot is that an ex assassin named John Wick (played by Keanu Reaves)… Read More

Bill and Ted Movie Reviews!

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson, Sarah Lehman

So I’ve finished watching the Bill and Ted movies–including the new one–and here are my honest opinions on each of them… PARTY ON DUDES! …but seriously, here are the reviews:   Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure:  This movie is spectacular. It’s very funny, but it’s the type of humor that makes you laugh at how stupid and illogical it is.… Read More

Fan Fic Terminology – Part 2

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

In a previous blog post, I talked about common fan fic terms, but in order for you to fully understand their meaning and use, I think a few examples are in order. As such, I’ve selected a few fics I enjoy 1 that would do the trick: Title: Pokedex OneShots Fandom: Pokemon Author: Ysavvryl Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5968447/1/Pokedex_OneShots Author’s Summary: A collection… Read More

FC Activity Report: 7/30/2020 – Poetry

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

On July 29th, 2020, at 10:00 AM, I signed on to Zoom for a Friendship Circle session involving poetry. Following a review of the Rules of Respect, the participants were asked if they would rather have the power of flight or underwater breathing. After that, they used word magnets (or rather, an online version of such) to write poetry, as… Read More

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