Part 1: History of Fan Fiction Outline

Categories: Friendship Circle, History of Fan Fiction, Sarah Lehman

Believe it or not, fan fiction has had a surprising amount of influence on the wider world. These next few posts will delve into said influence, and also into its history, which is longer than you might think, covering topics like: -Early examples: What are the earliest known fan fics? How did they affect later fic writers? For one, you’ll… Read More

Writing Process Post Outline

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

By: Sarah Lehman Some of you may have already written/started writing fan fiction of your own, whether you knew about fan fiction before discovering this blog or not. If you haven’t, but would like to, I have a few basic guidelines and tips that you may find helpful. Of course, these are not hard and fast rules, but I feel… Read More


Categories: Jarrod Edson, Sarah Lehman

Ghostbusters: well this is gonna be short review….I mean what’s to say about this film …well lets see its a great classic that people should watch…of they like classic movies and want to watch something that has ghosts in it but is also not to scary….and this film is funny…this is a comedy horror film….well less horror but more comedy…..with… Read More

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