The Exorcist

Categories: Friendship Circle, Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson

Warning ⚠️, this content may not be for the faint of hearts or people who can’t stand the sight of blood, and or vomit….oh and especially if people can’t handle to watch something about demonic possession… have been warned..     The Exorcist Movie: Ok this is gonna be a short review….so the exorcist is about this girl named Regan… Read More

Bill and Ted Movie Reviews!

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Jarrod Edson, Sarah Lehman

So I’ve finished watching the Bill and Ted movies–including the new one–and here are my honest opinions on each of them… PARTY ON DUDES! …but seriously, here are the reviews:   Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure:  This movie is spectacular. It’s very funny, but it’s the type of humor that makes you laugh at how stupid and illogical it is.… Read More

Fan Fic Terminology – Part 2

Categories: Hellos With Fellows, Sarah Lehman

In a previous blog post, I talked about common fan fic terms, but in order for you to fully understand their meaning and use, I think a few examples are in order. As such, I’ve selected a few fics I enjoy 1 that would do the trick: Title: Pokedex OneShots Fandom: Pokemon Author: Ysavvryl Link: Author’s Summary: A collection… Read More

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